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Interdisciplinary project, 2016

you left me with a purple on the cinnamon

Project exploring the intersections of Portuguese and English, using the structure of one language to organize the other through homonyms, noun genders and mistranslations.


An installation of vinyl lettering, three-channel audio and a set of five artist's books printed on french paper and vellum

A bilingual performative lecture

A manuscript of hybrid prose exploring the experience of living between two languages


MFA in Writing at SAIC
MFA in Writing at SAIC

collecting insects

Writing and illustrations, 2015-2016

Project about the concept of collecting in science, memory, and the relationship between humans and other creatures.

Lyric Essay and colored pencil illustrations

Willy Faller - Memories


Biography of Willy Faller, a son of German immigrants who overcame obstacles to build a significant entrepreneurial legacy in the South of Brazil.


Self-directed project, including interviews, historical and personal archives research, book design (except for covers), photography, and writing.

Download the entire book in PDF (Portuguese)

Paperback, 2014
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