ylmwapotc is an interdisciplinary, ongoing research project exploring the intersection of languages and the emotional consequences of living within the gaps between them.
It has taken multiple forms, such as artist's books, installation, performative lectures and a lyric essay manuscript.
ylmwapotc is an interdisciplinary, ongoing research project exploring the intersection of languages and the emotional consequences of living within the gaps between them.
It has taken multiple forms, such as artist's books, installation, performative lectures and a lyric essay manuscript.

[excerpt from manuscript]
To live with two languages is to have two lenses you can bring, each to one eye, and see the world in stereoscopic vision. Things that were flat gain dimension. Each object becomes two through doubled language. The mango in the fruit basket is also a sleeve and the sleeve on your shirt is also a mango.
This double life of words at the intersection of languages is one of the reasons for my distrust of translation. Languages are not equivalent systems; there are no conversion tables, only attempts at approximation.
Você me deixou com um roxo na canela
Failed attempt:
You left me with a purple on the cinnamon.